Please provide details in the nomination form. If available, upload supporting documentation such as officer reports, newspaper articles, news media transcripts, video or audio recordings, and other information that provides background information for the nomination. If there is more than one nominee for the event, please detail how each person was involved.

Department of Public Safety Awards Program

Award category for this nomination*

Commendation of Valor

Awarded to department employees who knowingly and rationally demonstrate uncommon courage and bravery, or an action that places a department employee in grave personal danger; or outstanding performance of duty demanding the highest expression of integrity, including sacrificing peer approval. Recipients of this award will receive a medal in the form of a pin to be worn on the uniform or lapel, a medal suspended on a ribbon for wearing at formal occasions, a shadow box display containing a department patch, and an engraved metal plate bearing the recipient’s name and citation.

Lifesaving Award

Awarded to department employees who knowingly and directly act to save a life even if the attempt was unsuccessful. Recipients of this award will receive a ribbon and a wooden plaque with an engraved metal plate bearing the recipient’s name and citation.

Meritorious Service Commendation

Awarded to department employees for outstanding service above and beyond the call of duty, for highly creditable acts serving the community, for major protection of property, for consistently demonstrating highly professional performance over an extended period, or for demonstrating uncommon perseverance in an ongoing investigation. A person selected to receive three or more Excellent Service Commendations during one awards period will receive one Meritorious Award in place of the multiple Excellent Service Commendations. Recipients of this award will receive a ribbon and an Iowa-shaped wooden plaque with an engraved metal plate bearing the recipient’s name and citation.

Excellent Service Commendation

Awarded to department employees for excellent service above and beyond the norm in the performance of everyday duties; or for exhibiting a high standard of job performance in a single incident, investigation, or exceptional arrest; or for training others with dedication and concern in an effort to improve the department’s operations; or for submitting for consideration a device or method that is adopted to increase efficiency in an administrative or tactical procedure. Recipients of this award will receive a ribbon and a wooden plaque with an engraved plate bearing the recipient’s name and citation. The plaque will also have several small plates on which the year(s) of the award will be engraved.

Community Service Commendation

Awarded to department employees for community service above and beyond the norm in the performance of everyday duties; or for being instrumental in developing and implementing a new program of crime prevention, community service, or other activity to enhance public safety on campus; or for maintaining sustained and consistently exceptional community relations. Recipients of this award will receive a ribbon and a wooden plaque with an engraved plate bearing the recipient’s name and citation. The plaque will also have several small plates on which the year(s) of the award will be engraved.

Chief’s Award

Presented to a member or members of the community who have assisted an employee of the department or have performed commendable acts such as lifesaving measures. Recipients of this award will receive a wooden plaque with a metal plate with their name and the citation.

Nominee(s) name and title
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Nominator(s) name and title
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26.4 Appendix B: Award Nomination Form

  • Effective date: March 21, 2019
  • Revised date: 
  • Reviewed date: May 2024